Monday, March 24, 2014

World War II

Pearl Harbor: In History, Pearl Harbour was important because of the attack on Pearl Harbour by the Empire of Japan on December 7, 1941. The attack not only brought the United States into World War II, but also resulted in the deaths of 2,400 Americans and 1,200 injuries. The attack led to the declaration of war by USA to Japan.
Battle of Midway: The Battle of Midway is regarded as one of the most important naval battles of the Pacific Campaign of World War II that happened between 4th and 7th June 1942. It was where the United States Navy decisively defeated an Imperial Japanese Navy attack against Midway Atoll, inflicting irreparable damage on the Japanese fleet.
D-Day: D-Day, the Allied invasion of Northern Europe on June 6th, 1944, opened up a second front that forced Hitler to send forces west, which took pressure off the Russians. The greatest seaborne invasion in history was aimed at 80 kilometres of mostly flat, sandy beach along the Normandy coast.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Cinderalla Man

When the Great Depression hit it affected families in many ways. When the Great Depression first hit many people lost their jobs. As people were losing their jobs many couldn't afford to up keep their home, while some sold their personal items in their house; others couldn't afford to keep it and had to move out and leave. People couldn't afford to keep up the fashion and dressed in less appealing clothes. Families were lucky if they even had a meal for dinner, because no jobs meant no money. The number of homeless people increased which started the development of Hoovervilles; which were tents and shacks put in a big area of space for homeless and people that had lost their jobs and homes. Extra activities like leisure could no longer be done due to the fact they didn't have money for extra activities.